Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Why are there different division years this year compared to the past for some sports? Because of the growth some divisions have only 2 years compared to 3-4 years in the group.
2. Is there going to be Adult AIG Sports Divisions? Not for these Games August 9-19th it is just youth born 2002 and under however in the fall of 2023 we are planning an Adult AIG of Basketball, Volleyball and Golf! Stay tuned for info on that on our FB page and Website.
3. Do I need to be certified to be a coach for AIG? No you do not anyone can bring a team of youth and coach them. We do encourage coaches to get their Respect in Sport course and other NCCCP courses in order to become a better coach but AIG doesn’t require it.
4. I registered my child as an individual athlete for a team sport and haven't been notified yet what team they are on. We are currently working hard getting youth on teams that need extra athletes. We will be hard working to get youth on teams up until the 2-3 week of July. You only pay once it's confirmed your athlete is on a team. July 12th is the payment deadline for all teams but for you will be once it's confirmed your child is on a team. We plan to get every kid on a team but if for some reason we can't and you've already paid we will reimburse you.
5. Why aren’t you doing AIG Dream Teams again this year for the sports of Ball Hockey, Baseball, Basketball, Beach Volleyball, Fastpitch Softball, Handgames and Volleyball? Because we had to many registrants on those teams not show up and teams had to forfeit which wasn’t fun for those playing them and other kids that did show up so we are encouraging people to get their own teams. Youth can register for a team sport even though they don’t have a team and we will try to get them on an existing team but no guarantees. We are having AIG Dream Teams for the sports of Lacrosse, Flag Football and Soccer.
6. Can players play up an age division? Yes they can they just can’t play down a division.
7. What if I don’t have my Status Card or Métis Card for proof of ancestry? You can upload your family history with a photo or screenshot of typed out or handwritten family history to show as proof.
8. If my child doesn’t have a team how can I get them on a team? A) Find or create a team to join or B)Register your youth and we will put them on a wait list. For the sports of Lacrosse, Flag Football, Soccer just register your youth and we will get them on a team guaranteed. Individual sports just register and they will participate.
9. Do I have to have a community to enter a team under? No you don’t you can have a team made up of individuals mixed from all over.
10. What’s the max players I can have in my team? There are no limit to however many youth on your team as you will manage playing time etc…
11. Should I look for FB or website for information on AIG? Do Facebook and online registration. The old website has outdated info from last year and new one will be up soon.
12. What does AIG Dream Team mean? I see AIG isn’t doing them anymore does that mean I can’t form a team together myself? Answer: Anyone can form a team for any sport to sign up for our Games. AIG used to make an AIG Dream Team made up of individual youth that didn’t have a team and registered individually. We would call these teams AIG Dream Teams but many kids didn’t show and didn’t always work out. Repeat anyone can create their own team though.
13. Do you have to be Indigenous to coach a team at AIG? No you do not have to be.
14. Can youth play up a division older than their age? Yes they can play up but youth cannot be older and play down a division.
15. Must register teams then each athlete in the teams must register separately via individual registration waiver form.
Any questions email

Photos from 2022 Alberta Indigenous Games

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